Choosing A Host Language

If you’re writing an interpreter, what language do you choose? What effect does your decision have?

Introducing Trifle

I’ve started developing a programming language, called Trifle. My day job is writing Python, but I find it doesn’t quite meet my needs in a scripting language. Trifle was born out of this desire for a scripting language that made me happy.

Of Types and Men

A type system is a wonderful thing. I find them very helpful in weeding out bugs early on in the development process. However, I am convinced that mainstream statically typed languages are less expressive and less ergonomic than they could be. Here’s what I’d like to see in a strongly-typed programming language.

Lisp Is Just Syntax

Lisp programming is often associated with functional programming, interpreters, and using lists for everything. This is a long way from the truth: Scheme programmers of use mutable variables, some Common Lisp implementations offer compilation, and all non-trivial lisp languages offer a variety of data types.